Thart | PastAn Gailearai

Caoráin - Boglands

Thart | PastAn Gailearai
Caoráin - Boglands


Peadar McDaid

Is é an tírdhreach agus na bealaí a bhíonn se ag síorathrú atá mar inspioráid agam agus tá mé buíoch le Chomhairle Contae Dhún na nGall as an chúnamh maoinithe, rud a chuir ar mo chumas mé díriú go hiomlán ar obair úr a dhéanamh bunaithe ar an spéis atá agam sna caoráin.

Bainim úsáid as dath, foirm agus doimhneacht chun braistint de thírdhreach beo Iarthuaisceart Éireann a mhúscailt. Feidhmíonn mo chleachtas mar bhreathnóireacht, glacadh isteach agus léiriú. Téann na comhshamhlú radharcach seo isteach i mo chuid oibre ansin agus an t-ealaíontóir ag dul ar aghaidh leis an phéint. 

Cruthaíonn cuid de na saothair a n-aistear féin agus forbraíonn siad le himeacht ama. Tá Tuaisceart agus Iarthar na hÉireann, atá álainn, buailte agus brúite lena cósta fiáin agus a gleannta domhain, sléibhte agus caoráin, tar éis greim iomlán a fháil ar mo shamhlaíocht.

Ar ndóigh, mar ealaíontóir, amharcaim ar ealaíontóirí eile le haghaidh inspioráide, Turner, Van Gogh, Zao Wou-Ki, Henry Moore agus na healaíontóirí Éireannacha Hughie O’Donoghue, Tony O’Malley agus Basel Blackshaw.

Dúirt an t-ealaíontóir Basil Blackshaw ó Thuaisceart Éireann uair amháin “I could never go to a place and just start making paintings. The place creeps back in its own form... the landscape creeps in unconsciously”. Fuair ​​​​mé fírinne sa chur síos seo agus mo chuid pictiúirí ag forbairt cruth agus foirm.

Mar is amhlaidh le gach ealaíontóir déanaimid ár ndícheall ár stíl féin a chruthú. Is féidir leis an dúshlán seo a bheith bearránach agus spreagúil araon ach tá an duais sa saothar deiridh; cath leanúnach atá ann chun mo chleachtas a fhorbairt agus aon rud cosúil le sásamh iomlán a bhaint amach. Is é an aidhm atá agam ná an lucht spéise a mhealladh chun a mhothú go bhfuil siad tarraingthe isteach ag fiosrú doimhneacht agus sraitheanna na ndathanna sna saothair, rud a spreagfaidh braistint iontais agus inbhreathnaith.

An lá a stopann sé sin ag tarlú, is é sin an lá leis na scuaba péinte a chur ar shiúl ceapaim. Tá súil agam nach dtiocfaidh an lá sin choíche.

Peadar Mc Daid 

Eanáir 2025



Peadar McDaid

The landscape and its ever-changing ways is my muse and I am grateful to Donegal County Council for funding assistance that enabled me to fully indulge myself to make new work centred on my fascination of our boglands.

I use colour, form and depth to evoke a sense of the living landscape of the Northwest Ireland. My practice operates as observation, absorption and interpretation. These visual assimilations then pass through into my work as the artist journeys forward with the paint. Some of the works create their own journey and evolve with the passage of time. The North and West of Ireland, beautiful, battered and bruised with its wild coastline and its deep moody glens, mountains and boglands, has completely captured my Imagination.

Naturally, as an artist, I look to other artist for inspiration, Turner, Van Gogh, Zao Wou-Ki, Henry Moore and Irish artists Hughie O’Donoghue, Tony O’Malley and Basel Blackshaw. 

The Northern Ireland artist Basil Blackshaw once said “I could never go to a place and just start making paintings. The place creeps back in its own form... the landscape creeps in unconsciously”. I found this description to be so true as my paintings take shape and form.

As with all artists we strive to create our own style. This challenge can be both frustrating and exhilarating but the reward is in the final work; it is a constant battle to develop my practice and reach anything like complete satisfaction. My aim is to entice the viewer to feel drawn into exploring the depth and layers of the colours within in the works, that hopefully evoke a sense of wonder and introspection.

I think the day that stops happening will be the day to put away the paint brushes. I hope that day never dawns.

Peadar Mc Daid

January 2025