TUATH - An Cuairteoir - The Visitor

Tuath - An Cuairteoir
Andrew Duggan
Is machnamh lom, fileata agus meafarach é an taispeántas suiteáin seo ar an ngaol idir an daonnacht, an miotas agus an talamh.
Tiomáinte chun na naisc phearsanta dhomhain idir an corp agus an áit a thaispeáint, is éard atá i suiteán nua an ealaíontóra ag An Gailearaí ná cnuasach d’ábhar tógála a caitheamh amach, deilbh bheaga gheoiméadracha, téacs urláir, grianghraif infridhearg, fuaim agus dhá fhístéip.
Ag obair leis an Taibhealaíontóir Hollie Miller, an Cumadóir Seán Ó Dálaigh agus an ceamaradóir Siobhán Dempsey, chruthaigh Andrew Duggan saothar ilsrathach a tharraingíonn inspioráid ó thrí fhoinse cheannasacha: an scéal faoi Manach díbeartha a fhilleann ar a thír chun aighneas a réiteach faoi shúileáin agus ar bhlocanna adhmaid, líníocht fáthchiallach 1514 le Hans Baldung Grien de bhean nocht ag siúl le sféir bheaga ceangailte dá cosa agus Miotas Tiresias, fáidh dall Apalló i dTéibeas, a bhfuil cáil air mar gheall ar fios fáistine agus a ghlac cruth mar bhean ar feadh seacht mbliana.
Sa suiteán seo tugann an ‘saoi dall’ muid, go cineál suaite, trí thírdhreach thógtha agus nádúrtha, tá mothú ann go bhfuil tragóid ag teacht nó go bhfuil rianta d’eachtra tromchúisí a tharla roimhe seo .
In ‘ T U A T H - a n c u a i r t e o i r - t h e v i s i t o r ’ feiceann muid gnéithe, móitífeanna agus réamhchúraimí atá le feiceáil i gcuid mhór de chuid oibre Andrew Duggan. Bíonn deis ag cuairteoirí ar an ngailearaí an saothar seo a fheiceáil, rud a bhfuiltear ag súil leis le fada ó ealaíontóir nach bhfeictear a shaothar ach go hannamh..
Bíodh a fhios agat nach bhfuil an suiteán seo fóirsteanach ach do lucht féachana lánfhásta amháin.
Tuath - The Visitor
Andrew Duggan
This installation exhibition is a stark, poetic and metaphysical meditation on the relationship between humanity, myth and the land.
Driven to make visible the visceral personal connections between the body and place, the artist’s new installation at An Gailearaí consists of an assemblage of disregarded construction material, small geometric sculptures, floor text, infra-red photographs, sound and two video projections.
Working with Performance Artist Hollie Miller, Composer Seán Ó Dálaigh and Camera Person Siobhán Dempsey, Andrew Duggan has created a multi layered work which draws inspiration from three dominant sources: the story of a banished Monk who returns to his land to settle a dispute blindfolded and on blocks of wood, a 1514 allegorical drawing by Hans Baldung Grien of a naked female figure walking with small spheres attached to her feet and the Myth of Tiresias, the blind prophet of Apollo in Thebes, famous for clairvoyance and for being transformed into a woman for seven years.
Here in this installation the ‘blind seer’ brings us, somewhat unsettlingly, through a built and natural landscape, there a sense of impending tragedy or traces of a previously traumatic event.
In ‘ T U A T H - a n c u a i r t e o i r - t h e v i s i t o r ’ we see elements, motifs and preoccupations which appear in much of Andrew Duggan’s work. Visitors to the gallery have a chance to see this long-awaited work from an artist whose work is seldom seen.
Please be aware that this installation is for mature viewers only.