Beonasc : Thoir agus Thiar - Linking the Gaeltacht : East and West

Nascadh na nGaeltachaí : Thoir agus Thiar
An Gailearaí, Gaoth Dobhair
Tá pobal na Gaeilge i mBéal Feirste ag tarraingt ar an tobar teanga agus cultúir atá i nGaeltacht thír choneaill le feda an lá, agus b'fhéidir le gairid go bhfuil Gaeltacht uirbeach Bhéal Feirste ag tabhairt misnigh do thir Chonaill.
Ceiliúrfaidh muid an ceangal sin i mí na Samhna seo romhainn le taispeántas 'dhá shuíomh'. Beidh saothar ealaíne ag grúpa ealaíontóir i nDánlann Dillion i mBéal Feirste agus píosa eile in An Gailearaí i gcroílár Ghaeltacht Thír Chonaill. Beidh nasc físe idir an dá ghailearaí le go mothóidh cuaírteoir chuig ceann ar bith acu brí an dá áit.
healaíontóirí san áireamh; Brendan O Sullivan, Bridget Ryan, Caomhán Mac an Iomaire, Catherine McWilliams, Cliodhna Cussen, Gerard Dillon, Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Jennifer Cunningham, Michael Doherty, Rosie McGurran, Seán Ó Flaithearta, Stuart Calvin, Susan Hughes and Úna O Grady.
Linking the Gaeltacht : East and West
An Gailearaí, Gaoth Dobhair
For generations, Belfast’s Irish community has drawn on the wealth of language and culture of the Donegal Gaeltacht and maybe, in recent years, the urban Gaeltacht of Belfast has offered hope to Donegal. To celebrate and demonstrate this link An Gailearaí has teamed up with Culturlann Belfast to host a “bi-location” exhibition where a group of artists will have a piece of artwork in both the Dillon Gallery in Belfast and another in An Gailearaí in the heart of the Donegal Gaeltacht. We will have a video link between the two galleries so that visitors to either can get a sense of both.
The artists selected demonstrate the best of Culturlann exhibitions over the last six years. Artists included are; Brendan O’Sullivan, Bridget Ryan, Caomhán Mac an Iomaire, Catherine McWilliams, Cliodhna Cussen, Gerard Dillon, Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Jennifer Cunningham, Michael Doherty, Rosie McGurran, Seán Ó Flaithearta, Stuart Calvin, Susan Hughes and Úna O’Grady. These artists work in a variety of mediums and so the show will present a diverse range of artworks.
The exhibition opens in An Gailearaí at the Áislann, Gaoth Dobhair on Saturday 22nd November at 7.00pm and this event is free and open to all the public. The Culturlann will be bringing along some Irish Trad musicians and Ronán Mac Aodha Bhuí will officially open the show.